Saturday 16 September 2017



powerhouse of purity
that's filled within
tucked away

from -
urban hue and cry
with resounding tumults
and day to day runs
for making both ends
meet, with lots
of pressures,
content with artificial
things, that seems
to give relief from
everyday battles
air conditions, swanky
motors, touch pads
pride, themselves
extending all facilities
human needs, taking
away their, thoughts
making them as
mechanical devices
making them
addictive and depend
make them forget
to talk with nature
that has given
many pleasures,
mires itself in the
self created possessions.,

an essence of purity
still carrying with placidity
remaining intact, is destination
nothing but an hinterland,
where you find yourself
best, taking breathes
in lap as, you steers
your car and stops by
then you realize,
what you lost and amiss.......!
