Sunday, 1 October 2017

smile your way.........

smile your way..........

smile for a while
for you
loose nothing, nor wail in ail

smile is gifted to you
so beam and cheer
your way always, coz  you

are blessed to spread cheer
smile through eyes
or smile by lips but don't jeer

sneer or snort at others just, see your eyes
always look them,  calming
as you are the one, who could set their eyes

during tough times, on you, seeking
umbrage under your beautiful asset
of smile,& graceful looks, you possess relieving

from pain, so my friend having a great, asset
make it use, no matter you deprived
of material possessions, you are divine, set

your spirit with zesty " smile",  wipe the tears of oppressed
recognize its efficacy, that lifts the mood of depressed...........!



  1. Hello Prasanna, Thank you for sharing this with me. Truly a wonderful piece of written work. Intelligently showing how the same physical action can be used in darker pursuits as well as light. Clever! I also found it refreshing, I've been up all night so it was a very welcome refresher at that, and also wonderfully complimentary while offering wisdom through advise. Very much enjoyable to read, so yeah, Thank you very much.

    P.S I chose your juicy write by the way, not sure if you was aware because this G+ thing wouldn't let me tag you in for some reason. Anyway, I think I used my terminator painting as my Mod Pick image if you'd like to see comments on the post.

    Thanks again Prasanna, Namaste my gifted friend

    1. im so honoured and thanks to you somuch, GOD bless you always
