Monday, 23 October 2017



galvanized by her presence
went on, make to his! - at once

her waving hair seemed like giving
open invitation with a hoot & hiss
as if a slithering snake with pronged

tongue ready to nibble his cheek, eyes
of hers spewing gold shining
like flashlight, a peep
into it, a feel of dozing as if she spells

incantations making tipsy his stance
as she come across seducing
his mind, body and soul
as he approached to make a touch

with his hand out of lust and passion
with concupiscence of desire, engulfs
but, gorgonized  become like a figurine
as she spurted with spouts!,

to him they like venomous whish
of sibilant snake giving angry looks
and posing questions! as
to "what itched his mind to set his
eyes on every woman"

who's so
exuberant with self pride & self respect
conscious of her strength, confident, yet
appears as innocent

you dirty minded swain! "how could take
a  woman as weak - tramp &wench"

she might be deprived
but never of loose her self control
as she, empowered and hard willed!

"you consider every lady
as embodiment of heavenly deity
you see her as divine

at times, on other hand
you take her as an object of desire
with your dualistic Psyche,

run after to up skirt even a small girl

maniac you become lost sense of yours
chases out to slake your sensual ardors"

you consider yourself a MAN
you're nothing sort of a stone!

that never enjoys the softness
of beauty, magical spell of female
and yes, as time ripens she turns
out to be as , if I, to say
                        - a femme fatale........!


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