Myna singing melodies tune
peacocks boogie
butterflies woogie
trees shedding leaves in gaiety
Clouds static under beam of sun
Burst into pieces like pearls within
Oh! Breeze & shower of dewy dawn
Charge the garden fill freshness within
Flowers are Swaging and swaying
Like a ballet with mist Lingering
Perfume of flowers mist carrying,
With Elite fragrance breeze taking-in
Crawly bee siphoning honey
flowers muttering, feeling bliss
With a beautiful Blooming
Gorgeous of essence thanked almighty
Bee and Flower with humming n swaying
Chattering & Chirping With lotus n Bee saying
Oh! its you or its me, who is beautiful ! ,
with a delightful and bountiful blessing
Billow of fragrance and Hum continuous
Flower and Bee enjoying given uniqueness
Like a brook that flows
And the time that never stops!
The above lines are written in association with my beloved advocate friend Mr.Pratheep
Myna singing melodies tune
peacocks boogie
butterflies woogie
trees shedding leaves in gaiety
Clouds static under beam of sun
Burst into pieces like pearls within
Oh! Breeze & shower of dewy dawn
Charge the garden fill freshness within
Flowers are Swaging and swaying
Like a ballet with mist Lingering
Perfume of flowers mist carrying,
With Elite fragrance breeze taking-in
Crawly bee siphoning honey
flowers muttering, feeling bliss
With a beautiful Blooming
Gorgeous of essence thanked almighty
Bee and Flower with humming n swaying
Chattering & Chirping With lotus n Bee saying
Oh! its you or its me, who is beautiful ! ,
with a delightful and bountiful blessing
Billow of fragrance and Hum continuous
Flower and Bee enjoying given uniqueness
Like a brook that flows
And the time that never stops!
The above lines are written in association with my beloved advocate friend Mr.Pratheep
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